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Our words matter. they can wound or heal. so I pray the words written here are ones that heal both your soul and mine.Our words are like gentle streams of water which touch our soul.
May you receive all of these to brighten your day and empower your lfe. 

Saturday, May 20, 2017

After a Few Stormy Days

these past days have been stormy but for myself there has been an extended stormy time, however quietly I may have appeared to others. Grief, takes on many masks and even though a great deal of my professional life has been walking that painful journey with others, it may manifest in oneself in unexpected ways or ways that were certainly unexpected for me. I now really really know that each person is totally unique in their grief and I am not alone.Each of us walks their own path and in their own way. Yes the days, weeks,months have been stormy with many tears, many confusing emotions, old family hurts, wounds, losses emerging sometimes like thunder or lightening strikes. All of them clouding my energy and  the deepest of my emotions. Grief in the loss of a child is an intusion upon the soul. That kind of loss changes life forever and is a reality that touches every aspect of your life. I have found that it is the deepest of life experience and the most spiritual. It also demands the deepest of courage, the courage to be. The Buddhist teach there is no birth and no death, only change. The mindful awareness of that teaching has been of great comfort during these days as I become even more aware that the spirit of my son is free in the deep essence of his being. He loved the rain and always called me when a storm was coming. In these days of rain, I feel his spirit close and I awake to the sunshine. Namaste. 






Sat, May 20, 2017 | link          Comments

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Words are amazing and hold such incredible power and energy. In a world of technological wonders of communication there seems to be little understanding of the energy the words we are speaking and writing have to create or to destroy, to give or to take life. Words are functioning as a mirror of the soul revealing the essence of who we are as human beings. They are showing in the most visible way the depth and the paradox of the human struggle that is being revealed. In that mirror we see and we hear the darkest of our evil and the brightest vision of our good. Yes! The primal conflict of ancient God's and Goddesses are at war within ourselves and our culture and are showing no intention of a truce or a ceasefire.The word came to the human family as a gift from the Divine Creator.'in the beginning was the word and the word was with God' is the teaching of ancient scripture. With the 'word of God' all creation was brought into being. And everything created was pronounced 'good' and sacred. Something has happened to the good word, the sacred word that gives creative life.  Daily our lives are bombarded with words of hate and blame, persuasion and manipulation, judgement and ridicule, coming from political and religious leaders, spewed out from talk show hosts,musicians and even by children on the playground  etc.The list is endless. All of these are death taking and death dealing, killing ever so slowing the creative spirit which is our natural birthright. Words of compassion, encouragement, appreciation which call forth life giving energies are viewed as suspect. Is there something of a conspiracy against life itself happening here. Have we become as Eric Fromm observed, a death seeking society? Have we on a primal energic level made what a early writer talked about as a 'pac with the devil' the darkest of the dark side of ourselves.  If so, we are watering seeds in our soul's soul that we do have the choice of aborting their growth. So let us look carefully into the mirror of our words and the values they are showing us. Are they giving life or are they destroying life? Whatever we give out to others, we are also giving to ourselves. 
Wed, November 5, 2014 | link          Comments

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Sacredness of Books
In this technological age, it seems there is a tendency to negate the value of books and reading from one held in one's hands. Perhaps my generation is showing but the pages of a book are my friends, the path into knowledge and creativity, the world beyond my own. They are a source of creativity, inspiration and of hope. When I receive a book, my soul is touched and my spirit sings. When I give a 
book I am giving a part of myself. Nothing grieves me more than to see books packed away in storage sheds or thrown away in trash bins.A reading community is a educated community. A reading community is a growing community. A reading community is a creative community. This is all a way of saying, Books with their words, pages and chapters are sacred. This is an invitation to put books back on the shelves and on the tables, take them out of storage sheds and closets, read them, talk about and share them. They will change your life and you do not risk their loss in a technological blackout. A good book has a life that goes on and on and on. The book you read next may change your life....from my heart.
Wed, November 28, 2012 | link          Comments

Sunday, February 13, 2011

After the snows
The morning here at singing stones holds a gentle silence. the sounds of traffic are muted. My critter family of two felines, one young, the other an elder, are gently napping after their morning breakfast. BJ, the 16 pound of autumn gold fur with a black funny face has had his morning walk and his liver treat. He finished off his Sunday Morning breakfast egg with great gratitude and promptly found his favorite chair for the day. These days of snow have provided the space for deep interior pondering as to what really matters: food that will sustain for weeks, if need be, a friend who came and cut a safe path down my drive to the main road, a son who called each day just to talk, also about what really matters, others not so talkative but who have found the ways to show they care and a community of other spirit relatives who send their love and energy.There has been the challenge of a on-line community with Dr. Jean Houston composing fellow seekers from over thirty countries, all focusing on what is our life purpose in the future of this planet, an invitation from an Indian Nation to share my experience and insights on wholistic health and self care, an upcoming workshop on Sacred Land and Peaceful Communication, a request for a lodge There has been a renewal of energy, an opening of the heart and the convergence of creativity for making plain the vision in writing the journey of my own spirit. Yes there is more than one book that is aching in my bones. Now is the time! I find myself reclaiming the writers, the accomplishments, the relationships and the experiences of the past with blessing and joy, letting go of judgement and yes even the pain. The snow is melting.The bright sun in creating dancing shadows across what remains of the snow. I saw a long line of robins yesterday, all facing south. They were like sentinels with watchful eyes. Yes all creation is waiting for the spring that is almost here, after the snows. Much life and living is ahead after the snows. With Gratitude, the wordweaver at singing stones
Sun, February 13, 2011 | link          Comments

Sun, February 13, 2011 | link          Comments

2017.05.01 | 2014.11.01 | 2012.11.01 | 2011.02.01

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